Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Could this possibly happen to anyone else?

The answer to that would be no. No one I know could possibly be terrorized by a bee in their own car, jump out of the car, get terrorized outside of the car, then make a made dash for the beeless car and smach their head on the doorframe. Yes I do beleive that this could happen to nobody else but me. And now I have a bum on my head. Oh I learned that watch who wants to be a millionaire makes me feel smart. Oh yea and that soap operas can be very interesting. Um yea and I think I've made a decision but who knows. I tihnk to much but as Liana says I'm not allowed to think. I think I'm going to go drug mysle because my head really hurts right now.


Lancehead said...

What if the bee was really someone you know who has been transformed into a bee from a magical spell?

lady li said...

nice to know that because of the car incident you have a "bum" on your head. lol!

honestly. no thinking, babe.

luv always

lady li

Lancehead said...

...you know at first I thought it was going to say bump, but it makes more sense to have a bum on your head.....wait a second O_o

Cellar door said...

so did you give the bum money and it just decided to take shelter on your head? damn bums, they're like seaguls, you give them a little bit of food, and they decide to live on your forhead.

Zeke said...

um yeah, did you know that clinical studies who that watching soaps actuily decreases your ability to remember things, so in effect the make you dumber. Who knew?

Draco Mädchen said...

HEY! if you watch soaps you have to remember a lot! Everything is so twisted! and I was watching them at lIana's house with li and her mother so just called them both dumb! so HA!

Zeke said...

sorry, just relaying the facts, don't kill the mesenger.

besides, i think its the way that it makes you remember whats going on is why it makes it harder to remember other things.

Draco Mädchen said...

fine I won't kill the messanger but can I just kick him in the shin and run away?

Zeke said...

fine my shins were just replaced, so there pritty tough.

Anonymous said...

i didnt know i was missed that much!!!!!1