Friday, August 25, 2006

Beans, Green

That's what my recipe from Michael's says. I think its funny but I love green beans so much that anything related to them pleases me. I love footloose too. Sorry about that transition but I'm listening to the soundtrack..I haven't lisened to that since Macbeth. How do I know that, you may ask. Well before going on stage for my amzing role of Scottish Soldier 3 I was always bouncing around and singing/huming the song "Let's here it for the boy" oh i love that song! Oh Footloose was such a good play! Ah it was go cool! They were all wearing converse! It was pretty fancy...well small town hick fancy but fancy none the less. Oh and I like the song somebody's eyes..oh yea and the girl gets around. Um what else....I went to the library. Tori took a picture of a cute guy that pulled up next to us...she was like totally staring at him...ok that was fun to say ha ha. My eyes are getting sleeping becasue my mixture of cold medecine and a starbuck mocha frappuccino is wearing off finally. I will not make the mustake of taking cold medecine with caffenine again...though it did make work so a bit faster. But what made it go really fast was this kid Nick. Oh he is so funny! Oh and I saw him at Costco once! And I, Kelsey, actually went up and talked to him. I normally dont talk to people i see and I talked to him! I'm really taking steps forward! oh and I feel important! Yea some of you know what I'm talking about! oh yea!


p.s. beans, green te he


Unknown said...

at least u dont have a bum on your head anymore lol and that guy was way to cute!!! mmmmmm he was tasty! lol miss ya kelso

Zeke said...

i miss you too...

by the way, i thought that you might enjoy this...

Mike, Kit, and I were playing ghost in the grave yard at Rachael's house.

ok so we were almost done with the game, running out of hiding places as such, and i came up with the perfect one...

I hid in my trunk... realising that once it shut i was stuck...


good thing, i forsaw this and left a door unlocked and told mike thats where i would be hiding...

Ok so not a destperat a situation as i made it out to be, but i thought you'd like it anyway.

i cant wait for school to start

Xaq (Zack)

Lancehead said...

GO, GO'S the word!!!