Saturday, August 05, 2006


Man this is how I felt yesterday. I was not feeling too good. I had a bad headache and kept feeling car sick everytime I got in a car. But I just took some stuff and I felt better. Oh I saw Monster House! That was a good movie! I have to work today. BVUt I only have to work three days this week. And the days are spread out so its not wrok, work, work...its off,work,off,work,off,work,off. So thats good. I'm pretty sure that all that I'm saying right now is interesting nobady so I'm going to stop talking. Have a nice day.



Lancehead said...

I developed a headache around 10:00 last night, and that's a mighty cute bunny right there.

Lancehead said...

Hey Pj, remeber that time in Mexico with the voodoo.

Draco Mädchen said...

lets just add a scary beat to the already scary dots...