Friday, September 08, 2006

Mike is tall.

I thought that he deserved a title. I don't know why but I thought he did. Oh and Joel was in the car. It was just the funniest thing to me because he was IN THE CAR. The lady is wearing a bra on her head to keep warm...I never thought of that before...maybe I'll try it next time I get cold. I want one of those calanders that teaches you a new word each day. I want to learn new words and use them in everyday conversation. My word for today will be verisimilitude, whcih means the quality of seeming to be true. I think its where they got the same of the truth serum from Harry Potter. I'm listening to this song that i used to love when I was younger and I still love it! I love Mark Wills! LIana you should know who that is! If you don't you are being shunned by the entire community. I have a lot of analysis homework and a test on monday. But thats good because then I dont have homework. This is boring me because math homework is not interesting. Oh I learned something...people do not like to be licked. I will keep that in mind for the future.


Cellar door said...

kelsey, people LOVE being licked. they just don't want to let on. i have years of experience with this. believe me. just keep licking, they'll get used to it.

Lui_15 said...

I love how the title has almost nothing to do with the post. and i agree with cavya, just keep licking, even though i have no experience in this area.

later days--Luis

Esmerelda said...

yes yes he does
and the licking thing ummm sure go for it

Anonymous said...

YEA it was fun! haha u wanna cyber??? lol ew! muahahahahaha!!! would u like some cornflakes???