Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Oly one day left until I can get a new cell phone! I love my old one but its gone stupid. It doesn't hold a charge and when I plug it in to charge the screen turns white and it doesnt work. I should be writing my reflection paper for Oral Interp but I donn't want to because I did bad. Like really bad. Almost horrible but not quite there. I am always cold now. I don't want to be be in Septmember. I want to be warm! I stayed in bed for an extra half an hour becasue my room was so cold. I need to stop eating giant cookies before dinner because then I'm not hungry. I want to cook or bake...but i have nothing. I really want to make a cheesecake so I guess I'll find a recipe for that and I'll make it eventually. My brother cannot cook a frozen pizza without setting off the stupid smoke alarm. And last time he did it I had a headache and every smoke alarm in my house went off. Then stopped. Then went off again. I'm not good at anything. I want to be good at something but I got nothing. I want a giant cookie but my brother is making a pizza. Oh yea and did I mention that I did really bad in oral interp today? Oh yea I did. Ok I'm just going to have to wait to make myself a cookie. My jelly beans don't make be happy anymore. I don't feel like purring. I guess I've just run out of self-esteem for now.

no one can spell my name right. and I don't know why.


Lancehead said...

You did a very good job today, and you were all the first person to go. I don't understand how people can not spell your name correctly, how do they spell it? I think you should give your jelly beans another chance. You really did to a very good job, and you can't argue against me with that.

Esmerelda said...

Well darling I'm sure you did marvelous carl doesn't lie Kelsey (see spelled right)