Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Single and Proud

Thats the name of my peice for oral interp. I have to present it tomorrow and I am not ready. I'm still cutting it and I am having a hard time getting it down to 3-5 minutes. But i will get it EVENTUALLY. I am writing this instead of working on that. I don't think i can write. Maybe I should try. I have ideas but I'm not really that talented. But I like reading LIana's stuff and I was the one to show to the dark side. Oh man I love them. They are wonderful. yea enough about them. I'm wearin gpink socks today. Every time I got over to Tori's house her little sister comments on how all my socks are the same brand but they're different colors. Eck I have an anatomy test tomorrow but i dont really know anything. So i don't know how thats going turn out. I bought shoes last Sunday. They're oKay but i was desperate so I got them even though i'm not in love with them. Ew i was just talking about shoes...and not my normal shoes. My phone likes to turn off at random times and its very annoy. I can't hold a text conversation becaus it will turn off and I'll think that i'm just not getting a response. OH yea and i tihnk that all you juniors out there NEED to vote for turner to be our prince. Why? BEcaus4e it would be awesome! and he deserves it more than them. Admit it he does...and it would be really funny...to me at least. Well i guess I'll go work on that oral interp now. Have a nice day.


Unknown said...

it would be funny and spelled a ton of things wrong

Draco Mädchen said...

I DON'T CARE ABOUT SPELLING!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA i dont pay that much attention

Cellar door said...


well i read the title and said "WHAT?!?!?"

but then i read the rest of it.