Sunday, September 17, 2006

Lean wit it

Rock wit it! My brother likes to make me do that dance for him becasue he thinks its funny. And it is pretty funny esspecially when I try to do the matrix part and I fall flat on my back. Yea so on to more important things. I have been burnt three times today and each really really hurt. First I burnt the back of my neck with Tori's hair straightener and that hurt like a mother and left a nice little red mark. Then I was drinking hot chocolate and I burnt my tongue becasue I refuse to wait until it cools to drink it.That hurt for a while too. And finally for the worst burn. I was trying to hot glue these beads to a mask and I put a line of it near the little eye hole. Well huge huge glob of it dropped through the hole and landed on my poor, innocent pinky burning it so bad that it is not blistered. And its hard to type when you have a blistered pinky finger! OW I just hit the shift button with my pinky and its REALLY HURT!!!(now I've learned to use my ring finger instead) Thats the story of todays injuries. Oh yea and on Saturday I was At E Steele's little bonfire party thing and I was sitting in a chair on a little hill (I know now smart to begin with) and the smoke started to blow into my eyes. So I shut them and I guess I must have leaned back a little becasue I wented up flat on my back, sitting in a chair. But luckily I didn't get hurt and I laughed a lot. Oh yea and I slept wrong on my neck and thats really sore too. Yea I'm just full of little aches and pains today...I'm getting old. AND speakig of old my mom gave me my birthday present early! I got this awesome little bitty digital camera!!! NOw I can take pictures of things!! AND speaking of pictures to day while at a halloween store with tori and carl there was this little zombie guy that was only haf a body and he crawled around using his arms. And well I decieded to put a darth vader mask on hi mand we got a picture of him crawling around the store with a darth vader mask on and it is the new background on tori's phone. And that makes me happy.


Lancehead said...

Vader Zombie, is awesome, remember though, I wore that mask before he did.

Cap'n Vincent said...

Wow...Vader Zombie, eh? That pretty much rocks.

Anonymous said...

it was awesome i have it on my phone and werent u scared of it at first kelsey?

Draco Mädchen said...

no...of course not scared of anything... AHHHHHH llama!! RUN AWAY!

Esmerelda said...

curse this dance and it's masks it's just causing problems for people

Anonymous said...

kelsey! guess what! your living with me next weekend!!!

Lui_15 said...

i think i saw that zombie thing at the same store. it scared the shit out of my sister. twas quite humorous.

later days