Friday, October 06, 2006

Slinky Incident

Tori is not allow near the slinky. She broke it. Well in the end it got fixed but the was a scary fifteen minute time period when we didn't know if it would ever...slink?...again. It was a horrible time in our history and I hope to never have to relive it again. I can't imagine Analysis without the slinky. ea so that was during Oral Interp while people were giving this presentations...this week it was poerty...but theres nothing exciting about that. Next week its childrens literature. Ugh instead of giving our presentations to just our little class, we have to do it infron tof NINE, yes that would be NINE, classroom full of disabled 3-5 year olds. I do not want to give my interpretation in front of those children. I have been in front of and done plenty of stuff for5 year old disable children. My mom used to teach them. I've had about my fill. But besides that, my piece isn't age/cognitive level appropriate and I'm not changing becasue I love what I'm doing. And I'm doing Sideways Stories from Wayside School. Yea still childrens literature but not 3-5 year old level. Especially not 3-5 year old with developmental delays and such. Also when the teacher and speech therapist can in to tell us this I realize how much I really do know about all this stuff...its wierd. Ok I'm finished. Oh yea I realized that I don't seperate my thoughts into paragraphs...i guess i don't think in paraghraphs...

Have a Nice day,

p.s. my name is not Bobsey...harumpff


Anonymous said...

i wont toutch the slinky

Cellar door said...

i think in too many paragraphs...