Monday, July 03, 2006

Licked the Walls and Talked to her boots

Because thats what CRAZY people do. Yes it can be said officialy I have completly lost my mind...just ask Tori...(she knows...) I think what has lead me to this conclusion was something that happened today but beofre we get there let's start the the beginninginginging...because thats where it starts. Well it all start when I was a little boy growing up in a log cabin just north of...wait nope ha it started yesterday when i was well me just sitting around my house after I had spend my day off being a bum. I realized that I was not happy which is a wierd thing because I'm always happy..well not really but i ususlly find a way to amuse myself. This time I could not. I decieded that I was just tired and so I went to sleep. I awoke this morning with the same peculiar feeling. There really no reason for me to be unhappy...except that cant be it...maybe its not that either. Um well I decided that I was unhappy because all the people that make me happy are gone. They've all just left me here for the weekend/week.Its hard to be someone like me witohut other people around to bum around with. Its the lack of Tori and Pj that is making me feel a little bit off. I just don't feel like myself today ...or yesterday...hopefully tomorrow will be better. Oh yea and the event which took place today that made me truly realize that I was losing my mind. After a few hours of walking back and forth between the bathrooms in my was my job to make sure they were clean today...I just was so alone that something wierd happened to my mind. The little voice inside my head started to speak with a british accent. It has not stopped yet and I tihnk if i doesnt stop soon I am doing to go completly insane...



Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. The only time I saw everyone was at school, and without it, I'm lucky to see them at parties. I miss drama too. Gah I was doing the Pirate King dance while mini-golfing in Florida...

Lonely people unite...

Lancehead said...

Kelsey, I went to see Superman with my Dad and I saw you quickly walk through the lobby and dissapear.

Draco Mädchen said...

NO!!! you should have stopped me!! argh that would have made my day a ton better!

Lancehead said...

Sorry, you were walking very quickly, you were gone in the blink of an eye.

Esmerelda said...

if it makes you feel any better yesterday when I went to bed and it physically felt like I was on a rocking boat. Now that I think about it I have no idea how that would make you feel any better. Perhaps blowing up fireworks will do that
*EXPLOSION* eh... eh?

Draco Mädchen said...

i like blowing stuff up but i dont have anything...tear.

Esmerelda said...

well that's sad