Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Jagged Ice

I have not had the best last few days. But whatever they're behind me now. Pretty much I overreacted to something and then things kinda went down from there. But as I said that behind me now becasue I can't go back. So on to wierder brother is turning 18 on Friday and its scary and wierd. Maybe not for most of you but maybe a little to my friends who know Evan and its wierd to me. Oh yes and powerade, unlike Gatorade, does not still taste cold after being left out all night. Its tastes bad. Gatorade doesn't. Powerade does. Keep that in mind. Oh yea and my title for this has nothing to do with my life. Its the kind of Powerade I was drinking and is now sitting next to me staring at me because I don't want to dirnk it anymore. I think I feel abandoned but I tried to drink it but it just does not taste appealing. So my Jagged Ice if your reading this over my should. I am really sorry that I can't drink you anymore. I want to because I am thirsty but it just cannot work out between us. I never should have taken you out of the fridge f I couldn't finish what I started and for that I am sorry. You could go back into the fridge and one day we shall meet again and then I will drink you. Just like old times...and by old times I mean last night. You were a good drink but I tihnk for now we should go our separate ways. I will never forget you Jagged Ice. Excuse me I need a moment........(that was a moment) Ok I'm better now! Have a nice day.


P.S. thats my wrapper name, yo.


Anonymous said...

yo Kel-C!

i have teeth!!! lol i should tell BT...


Anonymous said...

lol Kel-C the wrapper...

Tonight. Live on ABC. Kel-C debuts with her wrapper friend Kit Kat, singing their smash hit, Unwrap Me.

Lancehead said...

Jagged Ice......we used to be best friends, but you chose to go with Kel-C. I'll never forgive you Jagged Ice!

Esmerelda said...

Jagged Ice is mocking you and tempting you he knows that you want him but you never can