Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I tihnk that describes my life recently, it is very meh. Nothing too exciting or too horrible... just meh. I watched Hair yesterday and believe me if you watch it you feel like you are on drugs. It is the wierdest feeling and I tihnk I'm still confused. Oh yea...I tihnk that peopel like to confue me but they never do it on purpose. A Simple comment or thought and I am completely messed up. Yes well enough of that. I started reading Maximum Ride: Angel Experiment and its making me a little bit mad because so far it seems like a dumbed down version of When The Wind Blows and The Lake House. Oh and the part that has made me the maddest was the fact that in both sets of books there is blind kid. In the first *and better* books his name is Icarus called either Ic or Icky. *Oh yea and side note I LOVE that name* and in the other set of book his name is Iggy. Ahhh It drives me nuts. Maybe I won't later but right now on page 33 it makes me angry. OH and the Erasers are the stupidest thing I have ever heard of!! In the other books everything seems beleivable and in this its just like "" and I hope it will get better or I will cry. OH yea and Darkly Dreaming Dexter was FANTASTIC!!! I LOVE PEOPLE WITH NO HUMAN EMOTIONS THAT KILL PEOPLE!!!!




Anonymous said...

Well the Maximum Ride series is geared more towards the kids and younger folk. I went to the library looking for When the Wind Blows but couldn't find it. But I did get 1st to Die, by the same author.

Anonymous said...

der kelso maximum ride is supposed to be for smaller people. its still a good book though keep reading, there isnt any sex but its still good. see ya tomorrow at speech


Draco Mädchen said...

nah I've given up and gotten two news books form the library..I tihnk it was the stupid similar names that turned me off..meh I like Icarus a lot I will continue to be stubborn!


Anonymous said...

u are way to stubborn and i turned you onto the lake house dont forget that i still think that people with wings are alive or else they wouldnt write about it in detail... ah well just another of my random thoughts and i moved my room around we can dance in it now....


Draco Mädchen said...

ummm tori i could right about anything in detail and it still wouldn't exist. And I beleive the LAke House because that could actually happen but Maximum Ride is just too off...I tihnk its the erasers that did it.


Draco Mädchen said...

i cannot beleive i just wrote right instead of write...too early.

Anonymous said...

lol you dork hey do u wanna car pool to ems party tonight? and what do u aev to tell me. PLEASE dont throw it in the toaster! :) lol and i believe the lake house too maximum rides to kiddy. wing!


Draco Mädchen said...

umm unlike you my dear I have to work tonight so no...but I think I'm going after work so if your staying I will see you there.

Lancehead said...


Anonymous said...


Lancehead said...

Tori, if you just realized that now, then I am very sorry.

Draco Mädchen said...


Lancehead said...


Anonymous said...

i can recite them just not in tune