Friday, June 16, 2006

I haven't seen anyone besides Tori in two days and it amazes me how it has affected me. I miss everyone already. So if I don't do sometihng with you people soon it is likely that I am going explode. Or you people should just some to see movies at the theater (Karasotes Showplace 16 at the corner of 59 and 95th across from the Jewel) so that there is some little ray of happiness in my boring, lonely, long day. Really it helps...I saw Joel today and it just made the whole day better. Well that along with being let off early so I could go sit in my house alone. Oh yea and I got my hair cut but I'm scared that I got it cut too short o that now I cant pull it back for work or any other time. So yea and so far I have gotten two calls from Heather and Liana on their ride to Mexico. That was fun...I want a hug...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*HUG* well you should have stayed in band little missy! you totally at work right now and ill see u when i get there but movie afterwards!!