Friday, June 09, 2006


I think that I finally have at least some direction in my life. I have decieded that I want to at least attempt to become a veterinarian and if that doesn't work about, because I'm not smart enough, I'll just go to school to become a veterinary technician. I think that that will work out well for me. In fact, I got an application for a job at my dogs' veterinary clinic. If I got the job I'd be walking dogs! I'd still work at the movie theater during the summer but I think when school statrts I'll quit that. But if I get the vet job I'll still do that during the year. When we picked up Cody from there, he was getting his teath cleaned, my mom wasing talking to him about becoming a veterinary technician but he said I should try for a full doctor of veterinary medicine. I said that I wasn't smart enough and he said that your grades in high school really don't matter at all and neither does what you major in in college for a bachelor's degree. I'm really excited about the whole job thing and the fact that my life has a little more direction right now.



Anonymous said...

Congradulations, Kelcie. It's good to know where your going in life. I've yet to find that path myself, but I want to do something involving music.

Just stay away from Mad-Cow diseased chipmunks and rabit purple tounged geese.

Cap'n Vincent said...

Sweet, Kelsie! Join the club! And make sure and listen to Officer Jeffery....those are some nasty, rabid, purple-tounge geese.


Cellar door said...

Isn't it nice to know (or at least think you know) what you're going to do with yourself? i've known for a little less than a year that i want to teach choir and open up a coffee shop, and it's nice.

i sure hope our high school grades don't matter that much. ha. but i get pretty good grades.